Veggie prints are easy, even for toddlers. We all remember potato printing, but there are lots of
other vegetables that work well too::halved pears, oranges, celery hearts (with an elastic band
securing the bottom), apples and corn. You’ll need an assortment of vegetables, some acrylic
paper made a little thinner with water, some large format paper (we used newsprint) and a tray or
palette to contain the paint. Mix up a few colors and show kids how to dip the vegetable into the
paint and press it onto the paper. After they dry, you can cut them up and try to make a
composition out of them, seeing what narrative the shapes suggest. We made these little boats
with celery heart waves and added the toiler roll sails with a bit of white glue. Happy printing!
Check out more ideas for wonderful, easy Summer crafts at